Methodology, Instruction and Manuals

General informations:


Description of Sensor Materials used and handling

Description of Sensor Materials and Handling


Connector quality and its effects on measurements with SPE sensors

Connector quality and its effects on measurements with Screen Printed Electrodes sensors (SPE)


Manipulation and measuring with GOD sensors

Manipulation and measuring with GOD sensors


Measurements methodology:


Electrochemical activation procedure of SPE sensors with a graphite working electrode

Methodology – activation of graphite SPE

Cyclic voltammetry measurement methodology with SPE sensors on EDAq and PalmSens potentiostats

Methodology – measurement of CV with SPE in Ferri FerroMethodology


Measurement of open circuit potential (OCP) of AC1.W4.R1 sensor vs internal and external reference Ag/AgCl electrode

Measurement of open circuit potential (OCP)


Manuals for BVT products:


User Manual for MSP (Manual Screen Printer)

MSP – Manual