Category: Custom made and Modified Screen Printed Electrodes

Custom made and Modified Screen Printed Electrodes

We offer our customers Custom and Modified Sensors based on their demands and needs, we will also recommend to the customer if there is a better option for their intended purposes.

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  • AC1. electrochemical sensor with a hydrophobic ring

    Electrochemical sensor type AC1. with a hydrophobic ring – a hydrophobic layer is printed around the working electrode of the sensor (with a diameter of 1 or 2 mm), which ensures that the liquid applied to the working electrode of the sensor forms a drop and does not move outside to the reference and auxiliary electrodes (see the photograph below).

    Such modification of the sensor is suitable, for example, before the next intended modification of only the working electrode of the sensor by the customer – for example, immobilization of a bioactive substance.

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  • Custom and Modified Screen Printed Electrodes (SPE)

    We offer our customers Modified and Custom Screen Printed Sensors based on their demands and needs, we will also recommend to the customer if there is a better option for their intended purposes.


    Examples of possible Modified SPE Surfaces

    Graphine, Streptavidin, Polyaniline and High-purity Materials.


    High-purity material on WE

    We can provide polished working electrode or insert a high-purity material on WE (99.9% or better).

    The WE can be applied also by sputtering.


    Materials of WE

    We can offer you not only standard materials as Au/Pt, Au, Pt, Ag, C (carbon) but also glassy carbon, Ni, Cu, and other materials.


    Special Active Surfaces

    We can provide SPEs with Special Active Surfaces using Copper (Cu), Nickle (Ni), Magnesium (Mg), Bismuth (Bi) and Zirconium (Zr). 


    Sensor/device size

    The Technological capabilities and our experience and knowledge enable us to produce devices from as small as 3 x 6 mm, up to as large as 150 x 1200 mm.

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