OE.D*.E** Oxygen Electrode

The Oxygen electrode consists of a PEEK body, platinum electrode, silver reference electrode and membrane holder.


The platinum electrode is melted in glass. The membrane holder with electrolyte is attached by thread. Oxygen electrode (OE) is designed for measurements with thermostated cell TC4, TC5, TC6.

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    Diameter: 12 mm.

    Standard electrical connecting cable is 0.8 to 1 m. coaxial cable with BNC connector.

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    Technical Parameters

    • Supply: 12 V
    • Min temperature: -9.9°C
    • Max temperature: 59.9 °C
    • For TC4, TC6 or Eppendorf microvials

    Device Usage

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  • MPH 472 Universal Potentiostat

    The instrument enables measurement of amperometry, potentiometry and conductometry. Communication with the computer is provided via USB or Bluetooth. This hand-held device is equipped with GPS navigation so the measured data may be enhanced by the exact coordinates of the location where the measurement was made.


    Measured data can be stored and later processed in a PC because of the SD card slot incorporation. The ability to record a waveforms or integrate the measure values is enabled. Basic evaluation methods are also implemented – linear and non-linear calibration and standard addition method is available. The influence of the type of oxygen electrode membrane, temperature or gas solubility can be compensated for the measured values.


    The measured data are automatically recalculated and displayed in units of current, voltage, concentration (g∙L-1 or mol∙L-1) or saturation. Potentiometric measurement allows connection of pH electrodes and ISE.


    Key Properties

    • Up to 200 hours of battery life depending on the operating mode.
    • Excellent analytical tools (graphs, unit conversions, internal standard method for potentiometry, coulometric titration, 10 Henry’s constants for various redox active gases).
    • Power supply and data communication via USB, possibility of connection via Bluetooth.
    • Data logging to memory card.
    • Up to 5-point calibration for ISE and pH electrodes.
    • Up to 4-point calibration of the conductivity cell makes it possible to compensate the non-linearity of the measurement.
    • GPS equipment enables measurements in the field with location storage.
    • Calibration stored separately in the device (possibility of changing the memory card without having to recalibrate the device).
    • Possibility of separate calibration for 4 probes for amperometry and potentiometry.
    • The possibility of using different temperature sensors (PT100, PT1000, Ni1000, ATC Monocrystals).
    • Advanced power management (display sleep and automatic device shutdown can be set according to the user’s preferences
    • Vector voltmeter for accurate conductivity measurement.
    • Powerful thirty-two-bit microprocessor for accurate measurement calculations.


    • Faster battery charging via USB charger.
    • Vector voltmeter for precise conductometric measurement.
    • A more sensitive GPS module.
    • More robust input circuits for ametrometric measurement –  less susceptible to noise.


    More information can be found through the link: https://www.monokrystaly.cz/cs/ph-mv-ion-metry.html?fbclid=IwAR3ieir-mH-D10LZ-SZkrx74OHZYvOHjZPnOX8nfi9WdcwostsUgTAVaZPM#MPH471 


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